 SUN Yuxin,ZHAN Haoran,LI Xinyan,et al.Study on Disease Economic Burden of Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease in Beijing[J].Journal Press of Health Economics Research,2024,41(05):27-31.





Study on Disease Economic Burden of Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease in Beijing
1.首都医科大学公共卫生学院,北京 100069
SUN Yuxin ZHAN Haoran LI Xinyan XU Tingting HAN Youli
School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
stable coronary artery disease economic burden of disease Beijing
目的:测算北京市稳定性冠心病患者疾病经济负担。方法:通过调研北京市11家医疗机构稳定性冠心病患者费用清单,获得直接医疗经济负担数据;通过问卷调查,获得直接非医疗经济负担和间接经济负担数据;采用蒙特卡洛模拟进行疾病经济负担敏感性分析;采用微观模拟对疾病经济负担进行异质性分析。结果:冠心病患者人均年疾病经济负担为36 355.69元,其中直接医疗经济负担30 831.25元,直接非医疗经济负担4 318.53元,间接经济负担1 205.92元。分层分析发现,60岁以上患者疾病经济负担高于60岁以下患者。结论:北京市冠心病患者疾病经济负担较重,直接非医疗和间接经济负担也不容忽视,应提高冠心病诊断和治疗同质化水平,加强人群心脑血管疾病的预防与控制,减轻患者的疾病经济负担。
Objective To estimate the disease economic burden of patients with stable coronary artery disease(SCAD) in Beijing. Methods The direct medical burden data were obtained by investigating the diagnosis and treatment cost records of SCAD patients in 11 medical institutions in Beijing. The direct non-medical burden and indirect burden data were investigated by using self-made questionnaires among the patients. Monte Carlo simulation was used to analyze the sensitivity of total disease economic burden. The heterogeneity of the patients was analyzed by micro-simulation. Results The per capita annual economic burden of disease in SCAD patients was 36 355.69 yuan, of which 30 831.25 yuan was the direct medical economic burden, 4 318.53 yuan was the direct nonmedical economic burden, and 1 205.92 yuan was the indirect economic burden. Stratified analysis found that the disease economic burden of patients over 60 years old was higher than that of patients under 60 years old. Conclusion The SCAD patients in Beijing have a heavier disease economic burden, and the direct non-medical and indirect economic burden should not be ignored. It is necessary to improve the standardization of diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart diseases, strengthen the prevention and control of cardiovascular and cerebral vascular diseases in the population.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-04-23